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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Prologue 0.2: The Original Families. Moving into town. (Repost from 2021)

Comment from 2024:

Yep, here's another repost of old stuff. This one was also posted in January 2021 for the first time. Gotta salvage the old stuff before she sinks. We're already headed for the iceberg... well, anyway..

I don't have to much to say about this old post, except that these are the first sims I started to play with in this game, and they were actually made as far back as 2016. I briefly played them for a while then, but for whatever reason I swiftly stopped playing and left the game alone for several years, until I suddenly came back to it and started playing again in 2020.... guess why? The pandemic, probably....

Anyway, so this whole "moving into town" section was just a way to introduce them by recreating - in 2021 - sort of what really happen when I first started playing - in 2016 - and now - in 2024 - I'm making reposting the same thing again....

..but one good thing came out of joining the forum and starting to post about my sims. Before then, they were pretty shallow as characters. Sure, they had their personality traits.. but that was it. They didn't even have proper names in the beginning, only four letter codes according to the silly MBTI system...

Of course, I couldn't make posts on the forum about sims with names like INTJ and ESFJ so I had to come up with something a lot better. ;) Hence they got real names and also bios and backstories for themselves..

You may also notice that I used the name Solskinnsdalen for Sunset Valley and Vannliljeveien etc. for the street the live on. That's because I came from just playing alone, of course, and it took a while to catch on to Sunset Valley being the english name for the town. ;)
    I still don't know all the street names of the different towns in english, but I have since then tried to use english names for things as much as possible so as to try to not confuse people... even though it meant I had to spend extra time reading the sims wiki to figure out (again...) what things are called... but now that things may be going back underground again since the forum is closing, I should probably stop wasting time doing that.. what kind of fool spends such uneccessary time pandering to it's readers? ;) I'm not counting on getting readers anyway, but feel free to surprise me... anyway, here is the original second post...

Prologue 0.2: The Original Families. Moving into town.

Jumping forward a few years to 1977 sim time, a young couple, Asgeir and Lucie Karlsen moved into Solskinnsdalen. Asgeir aspired to be a world famous painter and writer and Lucie wanted to reach the top of the medical career. Since they used almost all of their money buying their first home at Vannlilljeveien 58 and as Asgeir's career as a painter and writer was a long way from taking off, they both started a job at the bottom ranks of the medical career. Camera technology was still very expensive and unaccessible to the general public back then. Only licensed photographers and the wealthiest of families usually owned one. Everyone else would either have to rent or borrow a camera, or go to the photograper to have their picture taken. Hence to tell this story, actors with pretty much identical looks and personalities were hired to reenact them moving into town.

Reconstructed photos of Asgeir and Lucie entering their new home for the first time. This is only what it might have looked like.

Asgeir often woke up feeling grumpy and irritable in the mornings, but this worked well enough for a while, largely due to Lucies kind and friendly nature.

Another couple, Ingmar and Eirin Motorsen, had moved to town just a month after Asgeir and Lucie. Ingmar wanted to move to town as he had read about the chess triumphs of H.K.H. Høigaffel and had early on felt compelled to become a world famous chess player as well. Ingmar was quite the slouch, but they needed food on the table, so he got himself a job in the medical career. His wife Eirin was a lucky and charismatic person, but often found herself struggling with forgetfulness and sometimes lapsing into periods of insanity randomly running off talking to herself. In spite of this, she got a job in the police force, where she is to this day doing quite well as a forensics specialist.

A reconstruction of Eirin and Ingmar engaging in flirtatious conversation in front of their new home. It's not that it's a trailer... it's just very long and narrow. ;)

Not quite one month after the Motorsen couple had moved to town, the young couple Egil and Frida Kråkesen moved in right next door to the Karlsens. Egil, a highly ambitious individual, quickly got himself a job in the business career, whereas Frida got a job in the medical career. Houses were much cheaper out here, compared to the capital city of Wad Nahadau, even in the suburbs. And who knows, they might just like it enough to make it their permanent residence.

Reconstructed photo of Egil Kråkesen admiring his looks in his new home at Vannliljeveien 72.

Reconstructed photo of Frida Kråkesen reading the local newspaper in her new home.

Prologue 0.2b: Profiles of the original sims

Ingmar Motorsen

Ingmar Motorsen was born in his parents little farm house in 1953. His parents were Rolf Motorsen (8.4.1920 – 10.10.1996) and Else Kari Motorsen (10.6.1922 – 1.2.2000). Both his parents were tenant workers at the farm of the Geekmos family. Ingmar Motorsens childhood was alright. His parents made enough to get by and to feed him and his three other siblings. His older brother, Svein Motorsen, and his two younger sisters, Marit and Grethe Motorsen.

Ingmar went to school in the nearby town of Enebakk. It was in the schools library he found some old books written by 18th century chess legend H.K.H. Høigaffel. The then young Ingmar lost himself in these books and this inspired him to be a chess legend.

In 1976 he married Eirin Jensen, the cute girl working at the local coffee shop. Eirin took the Motorsen name after marriage. The young couple wanted to move to the big city of Wad Nahadau, but prices were to expensive. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley, and the following year they gave birth to their first daughter, Ranveig.

Eirin Motorsen (maiden name: Jensen)

Eirin Jensen was born at the Little Enebakk hospital in 1954 to her parents Einar Jensen (14.7.1919 – 30.10.1972) and Aslaug Jensen (10.4.1919 – 3.5.2004). Eirin was their only child. Aslaug worked as a teacher at the local school, and Einar was a mechanic at the local tractor and car shop. The family tried for many years when Eirin grew up to hide that Einar had a drinking problem. This wasn't always easy for Eirin.

The couple finally divorced in 1968 when Eirin was 14 years old. It was after this she started working part time at the local coffee shop, as things went downhill with her father after this and Eirins mother didn't get any money for child support. He died four years later from a stroke. Eventually, Eirin fell in love with this nerdy guy that would always hang out at the coffee shop, Ingmar Motorsen. They married in 1976, she took his name and they moved to Sunset Valley the following year.

Asgeir Karlsen

Asgeir Karlsen was born in 1952 at the Tavastehus Hospital to parents Bjarne Karlsen (12.12.1916 – 23.8.1999) and Gunvor Karlsen (1.4.1918 – 2.3.2003). Asgeir has two older brothers, Magne and Frank Karlsen. His mother was a painter and writer, and his father was a sailor on trading ships that went across the Westphalian Sea, meaning he would be away for months at a time. This left the mother alone with three children. It was hard, but the pay Bjarne got was nice.

While his two brothers were out and about, Asgeir preferred to hang around his mother, greatly fascinated by her paintings or the books in her shelf. After graduating from high school, Asgeir took a part time job at the Tavastehus Hospital, and this is were he met Lucie Lehtoranta at the time a young nurse working at the hospital. They fell in love and married in 1975. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley.

Lucie Karlsen (maiden name: Lehtoranta) (Warning: This is the darkest of the stories.)

Lucie Lehtoranta was born in 1955 at the Pamtere Hospital to parents Tahvo Lehtoranta (11.12.1920 - 5.6.2000) and Kerttu Lehtoranta (2.3.1925 – 10.1.2009). Tahvo and Kerttu were both working as surgeons at the Pamtere Hospital. They were strict parents and demanded that Lucie and her older brother Jaska (3.10.1950 – 8.7.1965) always got the best grades in school. They had already decided that their children should also reach the top of the medical career.

As Jaska got into his teens, he would no longer listen to his parents. He often ran away from home and could be away for days and weeks sometimes. This was a great distress for the parents, and it got even worse when his body was found at the bottom of a lake one morning in 1965. After this the parents divorced and Kerttu moved with Lucie to the smaller town of Tavastehus where Lucie finished school. The years were hard for 10 year old Lucie now.

She had within a year lost both her brother and her father and had just moved to a new town. On top of that, her mother was as strict as ever. Her mother eventually softened up though, and in spite of all this, Lucie still grew up wanting to excel in the medical career. After she finished high school, she got a job at the Tavastehus Hospital and began to climb the ranks. She eventually fell in love with an aspiring writer and painter that also worked part time at the hospital, Asgeir Karlsen. The couple married and she took his last name. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley.

Egil Kråkesen

Egil Kråkesen was born early morning on New Years Day of 1952 at the Borlänge Hospital to parents Kerstin Kråkesen (3.4.1918 – 17.05.2004) and Lars Kråkesen (6.8.1920 – 12.05.2004). The young Kerstin worked as an intern at the town hall, and would eventually become the towns mayor. Egils father Lars was the founder of the to-become mega-corporation TelComNor. Egil has one younger sister, Liv Kråkesen.

Egil always looked up to his father and wanted to follow in his footsteps, and was already set on his path to one day become the CEO of TelComNor. Egils childhood was good as the family always had what they needed and then some. In 1972 he fell in love with Frida Söderbärke, a young local athlete. They had an on an off relationship for a couple of years before going steady. In 1975 they decided to marry. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley, and Egil Kråkesen established the TelComNor regional office in town, later to become the TelComNor Headquarters.

Frida Kråkesen (maiden name: Söderbärke)

Frida Söderbärke was born at the Borlänge Hospital late summer of 1956 to parents Emil Katthult Söderbärke (18.12.1909 – 01.04.1992) and Astrid Lind Söderbärke (14.11.1907 – 28.01.2002). Fridas father Emil was an avid gardener and botanist. Fridas mother Astrid was an award winning novelist and screenplay writer, famous for her childrens books.

Frida has two older brothers, Lasse and Bosse. Frida early on showed in interest in sports and athleticism, first signing up for the local cheerleading team, and eventually switching grounds to the local womens soccer team. It was after a match with the soccer team she first met Egil Kråkesen. He sought her out after the game, because he was so impressed by her work on the field.

She didn't care much for him at first, dismissing him only as a rabid fan, but he kept on pursuing her, and eventually they ended up in some kind of relationship that went on and off for a few years before deciding to marry. When they married in 1975 she took the name Kråkesen, and two years later they moved to Sunset Valley.

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