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The United Kingdom of Simbria

 Hello and welcome to The United Kingdom of Simbria! I hope you've had a pleasant journey coming here! You have now arrived at what is t...

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Turn the page...

The band travels on, now they're going down south and back to the coast. This next chapter is the beginning of their longest travel distance between gigs on the tour, not counting their return trip back home from Sunset Valley at the end of the tour.

Chapter 12.5 – The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023: part V – Turn the page..

..and of course, I couldn't make a series of posts about a band on tour without referencing this song.. ;)

                                            - Metallica - Turn The Page (Bob Seger cover)

On a long and lonesome highway
South of Onebega*
You can listen to the engines moanin'
Out this one-note song
You'd think about the woman
Or the girl you knew the night before

But your thoughts will soon be wanderin'
The way they always do
When you're ridin' 16 hours
There's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin'
You just wish the trip was through

Here I am, on the road again
There I am, up on the stage
There I go playin' the star again
There I go, turn the page


Click here (or the chapter up above) to go to the Bewickton blog and see the full post. ;)

* Not the correct lyrics, of course, and there's one syllable to many, but this almost works..

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Now, first and foremost this blog is about The Sims 3, and mostly exclusively that, but at the same time.. I just want to say this.

Slava Ukraini! Слава Україні! Glory to Ukraine!

Just to make it clear where I stand, and where I have been standing for the last two years. This point is not up for discussion.

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Bushweeds bands wagon rolls on...

Chapter 12.4 - The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023: part IV - Bright Neon lights

So here we go again.. In the last chapter, the band had just left the small mountain community of Ravenswood to head to Lake Onebega for their next concert.. and they were already running short on time! Were they gonna make it or would they be to late for their next gig?

Well of course they were gonna make it.. ;)

The band was happy to roll into town and find their next venue - The Grotto - but that was just the beginning of this night..

Kajsa felt a little nervous as she approached the bartender to apologize for them being late as she wasn't sure how she was going to take it.. and how the concert of this night would go.. would it turn out alright? Would it be a success.. or a failure? ;)

Click here to read the chapter and find out. ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Next chapter on The Bushweeds Autumn Tour

Chapter 12.3 – The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023: part III – Rock, paper, scissors...

I'll be upfront with you right away, for this chapter I didn't get as far as I had hoped, which was to have the have the band reach their next destination to play their next concert.. so I suppose this update is just a little more about them being on the road.. 

 In short they are leaving the community of Bridgewood behind to head inland and up into the mountains to Lake Onebega where they will have their next concert, making a pit stop to eat in the small community of Ravenswood on the way...

Click here to read full update. ;)

Ravenswood can be downloaded from the Sims 3 exchange here. I didn't find any other good place to download it, as the other places I found had links to malicious sites, so be careful there....

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Bushweeds 2023 autumn tour

Back again to updating the stories, finally. Just posted the second post on The Bushweeds autumn tour, but first I'm gonna mention the first post of the tour as well, since.. well, this is the first time I'm mentioning it here on this blog, and also because it's been quite some time between the two posts:

Chapter 12.1 – The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023 – part I: It's a long way to the top...

Quick Summary:

So, naturally, after the release of their debut album the band couldn't just return to their daytime jobs and otherwise rest on their laurels to much.. now the job began to get gigs in order to assemble some kind of tour... easier said than done as there would be even more let downs on the way with downright awful deals that they just couldn't accept, but..

..they were definately pleased and excited when they after much asking about had succeeded in getting enough dates to go on their first mini-tour this autumn... ;) 

Their first concert out of town wasn't to far away, and was a place they were already aqcuainted with since their last visit to the city.. so they met up that evening at Waylons Bar in the shadier part of town by the harbour, hoping to play for a decent sized and cheerful audience to kick off their tour...


And here is the new chapter:

Chapter 12.2 – The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023: part II - Motel rooms and bridges, life out here is raw... 


Next morning everyone except Kajsa was still feeling joyful and happy after yesterdays concert and night out, which resulted in a little party happening in the bedroom, before Kajsa had to talk some sense into them and round them up to continue their journey to Bridgewood and this old rundown motel they would be staying at there..

After inspecting the motel and finding their rooms, it was time to head to the next venue for some more rehearsing and soundcheck, before they would get ready for another night and another gig.. let's hope it turns out well and that there won't be to much action or drama... ;)

     Late at night all systems go
You have come to see the show
We do our best you're the rest
You make it real you know 

There is a feeling deep inside
That drives you flippin' mad
A feeling of a hammerhead
You need it, oh so bad

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Bang your head against the stage
Like you never did before
Make it ring make it bleed
Make it really sore
In a frenzied madness
With your leathers and your spikes
Heads are bobbing around
It is hot as hell tonight

Here on stage the marshall noise
Is piercing through your ears
It knocks you down, kicks your face
Exploding feeling nears
Now is the time to let it rip
To let it all go loose
We are gathered here to maim and kill
Cause this is what we choose

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

The show is through the metal is gone
It is the time to hit the road
Another time another gig
Again we will explode
Hotel rooms and motorways
Life out here is raw
But we will never stop
We will never quit
Cause we are THE BUSHWEEDS !


Original lyrics are from the song "Whiplash" by Metallica. Unedited lyrics are found here.
PS: There's profanity in the original/official lyrics....

Now, the Bushweeds is not a metal band, and they do not sound like Metallica, but they do have one thing in common nonetheless, as both bands started out with one foot in punk rock.. but where Metallica mixed their punk rock influences with heavy metal to create thrash metal (in the 1980s before they "sold out" according to some..), The Bushweeds mixes their punk rock influences with celtic folk music, to make, well, celtic rock/punk more in the vein of bands like The Pogues, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, etc... ;)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

More nostalgia.. first forum post about Ranveig Motorsen..

 Yeah, digging through old posts on the forums.. some bloopers that I'd rather forget, but I think this one is a gem that I'd like to keep.. to me.. I had to scroll through my profile all the way back to the very beginning to find this one, listed as the 9th post I made on the forums, and the first one that holds any value for me.. still to this day I think it is one of the more valuable posts I have made, as it was the first one where I did some real role play, trying to get into the mind of one of my sims...

..and it was a sim, Ranveig Motorsen, that for a long time was my favourite sim, one that I felt a great deal of empathy for.. and she still is a sim that I hold very dear...

Prologue 0.2: The Original Families. Moving into town. (Repost from 2021)

Comment from 2024:

Yep, here's another repost of old stuff. This one was also posted in January 2021 for the first time. Gotta salvage the old stuff before she sinks. We're already headed for the iceberg... well, anyway..

I don't have to much to say about this old post, except that these are the first sims I started to play with in this game, and they were actually made as far back as 2016. I briefly played them for a while then, but for whatever reason I swiftly stopped playing and left the game alone for several years, until I suddenly came back to it and started playing again in 2020.... guess why? The pandemic, probably....

Anyway, so this whole "moving into town" section was just a way to introduce them by recreating - in 2021 - sort of what really happen when I first started playing - in 2016 - and now - in 2024 - I'm making reposting the same thing again....

..but one good thing came out of joining the forum and starting to post about my sims. Before then, they were pretty shallow as characters. Sure, they had their personality traits.. but that was it. They didn't even have proper names in the beginning, only four letter codes according to the silly MBTI system...

Of course, I couldn't make posts on the forum about sims with names like INTJ and ESFJ so I had to come up with something a lot better. ;) Hence they got real names and also bios and backstories for themselves..

You may also notice that I used the name Solskinnsdalen for Sunset Valley and Vannliljeveien etc. for the street the live on. That's because I came from just playing alone, of course, and it took a while to catch on to Sunset Valley being the english name for the town. ;)
    I still don't know all the street names of the different towns in english, but I have since then tried to use english names for things as much as possible so as to try to not confuse people... even though it meant I had to spend extra time reading the sims wiki to figure out (again...) what things are called... but now that things may be going back underground again since the forum is closing, I should probably stop wasting time doing that.. what kind of fool spends such uneccessary time pandering to it's readers? ;) I'm not counting on getting readers anyway, but feel free to surprise me... anyway, here is the original second post...

Prologue 0.2: The Original Families. Moving into town.

Jumping forward a few years to 1977 sim time, a young couple, Asgeir and Lucie Karlsen moved into Solskinnsdalen. Asgeir aspired to be a world famous painter and writer and Lucie wanted to reach the top of the medical career. Since they used almost all of their money buying their first home at Vannlilljeveien 58 and as Asgeir's career as a painter and writer was a long way from taking off, they both started a job at the bottom ranks of the medical career. Camera technology was still very expensive and unaccessible to the general public back then. Only licensed photographers and the wealthiest of families usually owned one. Everyone else would either have to rent or borrow a camera, or go to the photograper to have their picture taken. Hence to tell this story, actors with pretty much identical looks and personalities were hired to reenact them moving into town.

Reconstructed photos of Asgeir and Lucie entering their new home for the first time. This is only what it might have looked like.

Asgeir often woke up feeling grumpy and irritable in the mornings, but this worked well enough for a while, largely due to Lucies kind and friendly nature.

Another couple, Ingmar and Eirin Motorsen, had moved to town just a month after Asgeir and Lucie. Ingmar wanted to move to town as he had read about the chess triumphs of H.K.H. Høigaffel and had early on felt compelled to become a world famous chess player as well. Ingmar was quite the slouch, but they needed food on the table, so he got himself a job in the medical career. His wife Eirin was a lucky and charismatic person, but often found herself struggling with forgetfulness and sometimes lapsing into periods of insanity randomly running off talking to herself. In spite of this, she got a job in the police force, where she is to this day doing quite well as a forensics specialist.

A reconstruction of Eirin and Ingmar engaging in flirtatious conversation in front of their new home. It's not that it's a trailer... it's just very long and narrow. ;)

Not quite one month after the Motorsen couple had moved to town, the young couple Egil and Frida Kråkesen moved in right next door to the Karlsens. Egil, a highly ambitious individual, quickly got himself a job in the business career, whereas Frida got a job in the medical career. Houses were much cheaper out here, compared to the capital city of Wad Nahadau, even in the suburbs. And who knows, they might just like it enough to make it their permanent residence.

Reconstructed photo of Egil Kråkesen admiring his looks in his new home at Vannliljeveien 72.

Reconstructed photo of Frida Kråkesen reading the local newspaper in her new home.

Prologue 0.2b: Profiles of the original sims

Ingmar Motorsen

Ingmar Motorsen was born in his parents little farm house in 1953. His parents were Rolf Motorsen (8.4.1920 – 10.10.1996) and Else Kari Motorsen (10.6.1922 – 1.2.2000). Both his parents were tenant workers at the farm of the Geekmos family. Ingmar Motorsens childhood was alright. His parents made enough to get by and to feed him and his three other siblings. His older brother, Svein Motorsen, and his two younger sisters, Marit and Grethe Motorsen.

Ingmar went to school in the nearby town of Enebakk. It was in the schools library he found some old books written by 18th century chess legend H.K.H. Høigaffel. The then young Ingmar lost himself in these books and this inspired him to be a chess legend.

In 1976 he married Eirin Jensen, the cute girl working at the local coffee shop. Eirin took the Motorsen name after marriage. The young couple wanted to move to the big city of Wad Nahadau, but prices were to expensive. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley, and the following year they gave birth to their first daughter, Ranveig.

Eirin Motorsen (maiden name: Jensen)

Eirin Jensen was born at the Little Enebakk hospital in 1954 to her parents Einar Jensen (14.7.1919 – 30.10.1972) and Aslaug Jensen (10.4.1919 – 3.5.2004). Eirin was their only child. Aslaug worked as a teacher at the local school, and Einar was a mechanic at the local tractor and car shop. The family tried for many years when Eirin grew up to hide that Einar had a drinking problem. This wasn't always easy for Eirin.

The couple finally divorced in 1968 when Eirin was 14 years old. It was after this she started working part time at the local coffee shop, as things went downhill with her father after this and Eirins mother didn't get any money for child support. He died four years later from a stroke. Eventually, Eirin fell in love with this nerdy guy that would always hang out at the coffee shop, Ingmar Motorsen. They married in 1976, she took his name and they moved to Sunset Valley the following year.

Asgeir Karlsen

Asgeir Karlsen was born in 1952 at the Tavastehus Hospital to parents Bjarne Karlsen (12.12.1916 – 23.8.1999) and Gunvor Karlsen (1.4.1918 – 2.3.2003). Asgeir has two older brothers, Magne and Frank Karlsen. His mother was a painter and writer, and his father was a sailor on trading ships that went across the Westphalian Sea, meaning he would be away for months at a time. This left the mother alone with three children. It was hard, but the pay Bjarne got was nice.

While his two brothers were out and about, Asgeir preferred to hang around his mother, greatly fascinated by her paintings or the books in her shelf. After graduating from high school, Asgeir took a part time job at the Tavastehus Hospital, and this is were he met Lucie Lehtoranta at the time a young nurse working at the hospital. They fell in love and married in 1975. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley.

Lucie Karlsen (maiden name: Lehtoranta) (Warning: This is the darkest of the stories.)

Lucie Lehtoranta was born in 1955 at the Pamtere Hospital to parents Tahvo Lehtoranta (11.12.1920 - 5.6.2000) and Kerttu Lehtoranta (2.3.1925 – 10.1.2009). Tahvo and Kerttu were both working as surgeons at the Pamtere Hospital. They were strict parents and demanded that Lucie and her older brother Jaska (3.10.1950 – 8.7.1965) always got the best grades in school. They had already decided that their children should also reach the top of the medical career.

As Jaska got into his teens, he would no longer listen to his parents. He often ran away from home and could be away for days and weeks sometimes. This was a great distress for the parents, and it got even worse when his body was found at the bottom of a lake one morning in 1965. After this the parents divorced and Kerttu moved with Lucie to the smaller town of Tavastehus where Lucie finished school. The years were hard for 10 year old Lucie now.

She had within a year lost both her brother and her father and had just moved to a new town. On top of that, her mother was as strict as ever. Her mother eventually softened up though, and in spite of all this, Lucie still grew up wanting to excel in the medical career. After she finished high school, she got a job at the Tavastehus Hospital and began to climb the ranks. She eventually fell in love with an aspiring writer and painter that also worked part time at the hospital, Asgeir Karlsen. The couple married and she took his last name. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley.

Egil Kråkesen

Egil Kråkesen was born early morning on New Years Day of 1952 at the Borlänge Hospital to parents Kerstin Kråkesen (3.4.1918 – 17.05.2004) and Lars Kråkesen (6.8.1920 – 12.05.2004). The young Kerstin worked as an intern at the town hall, and would eventually become the towns mayor. Egils father Lars was the founder of the to-become mega-corporation TelComNor. Egil has one younger sister, Liv Kråkesen.

Egil always looked up to his father and wanted to follow in his footsteps, and was already set on his path to one day become the CEO of TelComNor. Egils childhood was good as the family always had what they needed and then some. In 1972 he fell in love with Frida Söderbärke, a young local athlete. They had an on an off relationship for a couple of years before going steady. In 1975 they decided to marry. In 1977 they moved to Sunset Valley, and Egil Kråkesen established the TelComNor regional office in town, later to become the TelComNor Headquarters.

Frida Kråkesen (maiden name: Söderbärke)

Frida Söderbärke was born at the Borlänge Hospital late summer of 1956 to parents Emil Katthult Söderbärke (18.12.1909 – 01.04.1992) and Astrid Lind Söderbärke (14.11.1907 – 28.01.2002). Fridas father Emil was an avid gardener and botanist. Fridas mother Astrid was an award winning novelist and screenplay writer, famous for her childrens books.

Frida has two older brothers, Lasse and Bosse. Frida early on showed in interest in sports and athleticism, first signing up for the local cheerleading team, and eventually switching grounds to the local womens soccer team. It was after a match with the soccer team she first met Egil Kråkesen. He sought her out after the game, because he was so impressed by her work on the field.

She didn't care much for him at first, dismissing him only as a rabid fan, but he kept on pursuing her, and eventually they ended up in some kind of relationship that went on and off for a few years before deciding to marry. When they married in 1975 she took the name Kråkesen, and two years later they moved to Sunset Valley.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Prologue 0.0 and 0.1 (Repost from 2021)

Comment from 2024:

This is the orignal first post of my story thread over at the Sims 3 story forum, first posted in January 2021, shortly after I had joined the forum in December 2020. I'm reposting it here now, since it has been announced that Sims forum will be closing this July to be replaced with some new forum, and though one can nominate threads to be transferred to this new forum, I'm not really expecting any of mine to be transferred over, nor have I as of yet made the suggestion for them to be transferred. 

The over the top title I refer to down below is the original title of my thread there 'The Chronicles of Simbria', which I sometime later changed to 'The People of Simbria' because, well, I ended up thinking it was perhaps a little to over the top, and also because it really is about the people of this nation and their stories... So here it is, the original post from January 2021 that started it all...


I must start with a birds eye view of everything and some background information to create a context for my story, complete with an over the top title to make it sound epic or something. Alright, here we go!

Prologue 0.0: The United Kingdom of Simbria.

The United Kingdom of Simbria, commonly known as Simbria, is a sovereign state comprising of six countries on the greater island of Simbria located in the Westphalian Sea on the northern hemisphere of the Simtopian Planet. It is a very big island, almost the size of a continent and thus covers many climate zones ranging from maritime subtropical on its southern tip to maritime subarctic on its very northenmost edge.

On the southwestern part of this large island state lies the mountaineous country of Frydain Pawr. Most of the population of this country is centered around it's capital Wad Nahadau, but this is not were our story plays out.

Prologue 0.1: H.K.H. Høigaffel.

The small town of Solskinnsdalen, also known as Sunset Valley, is a small and fairly isolated town on the southwestern edge of the great island of Simbria, in a country called Frydain Pawr. A long time ago, there lived a man called H.K.H. Høigaffel. Already while he was alive, he rose to legendary status as the most impressive chess player the Sim World had ever witnessed. In the year of 1783 sim time, he founded what is known as Solskinnsdalen Schak-klub (Solskinnsdalen Chess Club). It was here he would spend the majority of his days, challenging people to a game of chess, or writing on his best selling books about the magic, mysteries and strategies (as well as joys) of chess. From the money he made on his books, teaching chess and winning tournaments all over Frydain Pawr, he erected a tower to be his home on what was then the outer edge of the town area. The tower quickly became somewhat of a landmark and tourist attraction, and were nicknamed "The Rook" by the locals, as it resembled the chess piece with the very same name.

Photo of the tower, "The Rook", as it looks in the year 2021, sim time.

As this was long before the invention of the camera, no pictures of H.K.H. Høigaffel exist, but there is a painting of him by an unknown painter (ca. 1795) hanging up in the lobby on the second floor of the chess club.

Solskinnsdalen Schak-klub (Sunset Valley Chess Club) the way it looks in 2021, sim time.

Portrait painting of H.K.H. Høigaffel by an unknown painter.

As far as legend has it, H.K.H. Høigaffel did not enjoy any romantic relations, preferring to stay by himself until old age when he eventually befriended and married a sim called Joika-Kari Bastiansen. Joika-Kari was an avid gardener for the last days of her life. Officially she died of old age, but evil tongues still gossip that she died while they were woohooing in bed.

Modern day aerial photo of the chess club, with the tower "The Rook" in the back of the picture.

H.K.H. Høigaffel lived for a long time still after her death, and it was then he became an avid painter. After his death, his tower was left abandoned for years and almost fell into ruin, before the town council in 1873 declared that it should be restored to it's former glory and be opened to the public as a museum. At the same time a memorial stone was placed by the entrance of the chess club. It is rumored that if you stay at the chess club late at night, you may catch a glimpse of H.K.H. Høigaffel's ghost still roaming the corridors, or maybe even challenging you to a game of ghostly chess.

H.K.H. Høigaffels memorial stone by the entrance to the chess club.

Comment from 2024:

I was a little surprised actually that the city of Wad Nahadau was mentioned in this first post already. I had actually forgotten about that.. makes wonder when I really did start working on it. It may have been as early as 2021 already, which means that the project may have its three year anniversary some time during this year. Well, whoa.

Also, that chess player H.K.H, Høigaffel was a prominent character in the story before I joined the Sims forums and started posting about it, but since then he has been nothing but a memory. ;)

Wad Nahadau, The Bushweeds and stuff..

So.. it's definately time for an update here now. In the town of Bewickton the local folk punk band The Bushweeds had since we last saw them at Palash and Sofias wedding gone into town to try and get a record deal.. to, unfortunately, no success at all..

Meeting up with a representative of Orange Music Records it had to go as it went..

The meeting ended with an argument, and they got no deal.. Blast these capitalist major labels and companies! It's the same story as it always is.. so the band was no a little down and desperate, but by next summer they had managed to pull things together enough to record and release their debut album, completely self funded..

An important milestone in the bands history, no doubt, but they couldn't rest on their laurels now, as they had ambitions of course. This was just the beginning of their journey, since of course, they wanted after all to spread their music far and wide.. so they had to know do their best to make arrangements to get live shows to go on their first little tour to gain followers.... all of which is easier said then done without a record label and a marketing apparatus having your back, but they still scraped together a few tour dates the following autumn...


..and this of course, is where the city of Wad Nahadau comes into the picture. It's their fourth tour date, and their set to play at a venue called "The Cave", which is a former bomb shelter, now turned into a concert venue run voluntarily by students in the city..

The only issue here was that the city of Wad Nahadau, which is a project I started sometime in 2022 (I think, I don't actually remember when I started it.) This was a time when we were on Origin and not he EA App, and everyone could use 'Edit in Game' from the 'Create a World' tool without any problem..


At one point I realized that I had made the terrain of the town a little to hilly and thought I should perhaps find a way to flatten it a little, as it made building on the lots in the downtown area a little difficult, and it probably didn't look it's best.. I also needed to take a break from town building as it it really is a lot of work.. and of course, in the meantime here came the EA App to mess everything up...

Since I couldn't use Edit in Game I could no longer save whatever I built on the lots to the town itself, and if since I had already started on the downtown area, redoing it's terrain would also mean deleting the lots and everything on them, which would now leave me with a downtown area of empty lots.. that didn't feel like a good option and I wasn't to motivated to work on this project for a while and it was left alone for a good while until.. The Bushweeds was set to play their for their upcoming tour, which meant that I had to resume work and try to finish it as soon as possible, since I really don't want any delays to my story telling..

So it was back to work on the downtown area and the town itself. It doesn't look so hilly when seen from above, but it is a quite the hill in the centre of the picture above the highway tunnel that goes under the downtown area..

It was quite a lot of work in such a short amount of time, since late December of last year and until now, but I will count the major parts of the town finished for now, and what is left is "only" to fix a self illumination problem with some of the buildings and to keep refinig the distant terrain I just made.. but for now, my perfectionist self will just need to accept some of these shortcomings and continue with my game and story telling.. so yeah, coming soon.. the Bushweeds on tour! Finally...