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The United Kingdom of Simbria

 Hello and welcome to The United Kingdom of Simbria! I hope you've had a pleasant journey coming here! You have now arrived at what is t...

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sprottenham Sims

I originally had this post on my profile at the sims forum, and I thought it would stay there permanently, until one day I logged on and found it gone and wondered why it was deleted.. until I realized that posts on ones profile actually go away by themselves after a certain amount of time.. luckily I had the Forsythe.. umm, foresight to keep it in a text file on my computer, and since I just stumbled across it now looking for something else, I thought.. why not post it here.. ;) So, without any further ado...

..or, well, not quite yet, because first I have to give a....


If you haven't read the story before, some sims that haven't yet been born so far according to what is posted on the blog will be presented below, and/or they will have switched houses or be in different age groups..

The blog postings are currently in the year of 2021 in their storyline. The post below is, I believe is early or mid 2022.

Now... without further ado....

Sprottenham households:


Parents: Gaute Chitrakaar-Bråheim, Leya Chitrakaar-Bråheim.
Kids: Bodil Chitrakaar and Orinder Chitrakaar-Bråheim

Leya is the 3rd oldest, and 3rd youngest, child of Deepak and Laranya living in the town of Bewickton (to be introduced later). She is the middle child of the five siblings (Udisha, Palash, Leya, Bhavan, Nitya). She has two kids, Bodil together with Glenn Hoddelås, and Orinder with Gaute, with whom she is also married. Leya sings the 1st alto voice in the choir, The Sirens.
Gaute has another child, Robert Bråge, with Ranveig Motorsen from Sunset Valley.


Leya, Gaute and Bodil used to live with Solvej Rasmussen, Patrik C. Jensen and their son Rune Rasmussen, but moved out because it was getting a little to cramped. The couples are still good friends with each other.
Patrik plays football with Sprottenham Totspurs. Solvej sings the 1st soprano in The Sirens.


Baturney Flansbarne is a politician and a former circus director. Agathi Jiggens is a crime/horror writer. They have two children, Ruben Jiggens and Iselin Flansbarne.


Anne-Gerd Jørgensen, Dimitov Slettemoen (nee Berbersen), Kari Slettemoen.
Svenn Slettemoen (standing in front), Harald Slettemoen (being held).
Anne-Gerd and Kari both sing 2nd alto voices in The Sirens. Dimitov is a football player on the Sprottenham Totspurs.


Jingguo is an ambitious police man. Dongmei is a bit of a coward, but works in the military. Leo is their oldest son. The toddlers Jiang and Hung are twins.


Ramger Vanderfjert is a former football player on the Sprottenham Totspurs. Gabriela Vanderfjert (nee Bedoya) sings the 1st alto voice in The Sirens. Tatiana Maria is their oldest daughter. Jess and Astrid are twins.


Christoffer Vaddelmyr and Selma Vaddelmyr (nee Gunnerud) and their daughter Jorunn. Selma sings sings the 2nd soprano/1st alto voice in The Sirens. Both Selma and Jorunn are slobs.


Daniel and Leni Dahl-Blankblomst has two kids, Torgeir (baby) and Jonn (toddler). Daniel is a the goal keeper at the Sprottenham Totspurs. Leni sings 2nd soprano in The Sirens.


Jørgen Klinemann and Chansa Klinemann (nee Beaudoux) has two daughters, Samira (child) and Celine (toddler). Jørgen is also a football player at the Sprottenham Totspurs. Chansa sings the 1st soprano in The Sirens.


Glenn Hoddelås lives with his girlfriend Maiken Strøm. Glenn is Bodils father and a former football player of the local team...


Most commonly referred to as the Ås family.
Parents: Odin Borsønn, Frigg Ås.
Children back row: Tor Odinsønn, Hoda Odinsdatter.
Front row: Hermine Odinsdatter, Balder Odinsønn.
By far the richest and most powerful family in all of Sprottenham...


Agnar, Gunn-Rita and their teenage daughter Nikoline. Agnar hates art, Gunn-Rita is an art lover... Nikoline is a science geek. The guy in the back is Remy Langlo, some random dude that moved in with them...


Fagidi and Fragen Froosh. Fagidi is a complete doormat and retired military. Fragen is a retired teacher of the old fashioned type. They are sworn enemies of each other, but used to be married for many years and have one daughter, Gretzel.


Parents: Gretzel Trazlacat (nee Froosh) and Lamshey Trazlacat.
Children: Hannah and Nils Trazlacat. Nils is the boyfriend of Nikoline Bergersen.

The Rollcagers: 

Left to right: Lothar Maier, Ria Simba, Leon Maneval, Jet Rēshingugāru.
A household of vehicle enthusiasts. Their favorite past time is hanging out in the garage fixing and upgrading cars, burning rubber and playing cat and mouse with the police...


Robert and Sandra Gudmestad-Klinsmo. Robert is the biggest criminal in town, and a sworn enemy of the Frigg/Ås family. Together with Sandra he has a son, Mark.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The bus network keeps expanding.

 Well, wouldn't you know.. looks like the people of the bus company has been pretty hard at work again, plotting, planning and preparing to open yet another bus route! 

This one, bus route number 3, will take you to the countrys eastern shoreline and the small coastal community of Sprottenham where you no doubt can encounter many interesting people...

The economy of the area is largely based on fisheries due to it's, well, proximity to the ocean and of course, the fishing grounds of the Kuopian Sea. There is also a little bit of tourism in the area, but it's not very well developed. The town used to be the biggest exporter of peat in the country due to it's vast areas of moors and mires. The peat export went on until the late 1950s before it had to close, as people were mostly using electricity to heat their homes by then. The abandoned peat factory is still located on the outskirts of town on the way to the small settlement of Warenford and the airport. The town also hosts the North Sunderland military base.

The town has a rich sports and cultural life, here exemplified by the local football team, The Sprottenham Totspurs. The team is well known across the country for being one of the top teams of the Simpions League, which is quite an impressive feat of a team from such a small town.

A great example of soem of the cultural life of the town is the all female choir, The Sirens. Here they are performing at the Harbour Square on a nice summers day. The choir has placed second several times in national choir competetions as a female class A choir, so they are no doubt one of the best in the country!

So I suggest you get a ticket and hop on the bus to get a short introduction to one of the households that live in this tiny tight knit community. Get them while they are cheap, I heard the bus company might raise the prices soon!

Some 'bonus' images:

Paper that I used to plan out 'The Sirens' and who they are supposed to be, their roles in the choir and their personality traits. I did a similar one for the football team, but that one is temporarily lost somewhere. 


The first blueprint I used to plan the layout of the town of Sprottenham. This was the first town that I made, and I was really meticulous with this one. I even drew out everything in more detail on graph paper afterwards before going into the Create a World tool to begin finishing the job. ;)

These papers are pretty old as it is a while ago since I made both the town, the choir and the football team. ;)


The town of Sprottenham is also inspired by the real life town of Seahouses on the east coast of the real life United Kingdom...

Saturday, April 22, 2023

A new bus route just opened..


On behalf of the "Simbria Express" bus company I am pleased to announce that a new bus route just opened. This new route (route #2) will take you up into the mountains to an old town by the largest lake of the country known as Lake Onebega. The town was officially founded in 1553 by missionary Thomas von Trankebar and since followed one of the darkest periods in the towns history, which culminated in the Onébegajávrre riots of 1678 where a large portion of the town was literally burnt to the ground... The event has since been referred to as 'the second wildfire event', the first one being, allegedly, a forest fire that almost decimated the town somewhere around 800 or 900 BC... Since then, the local population (or atleast the more superstitious among them) have been waiting for what they call 'the third wildfire event' that is said to end the town once and for all, but so far it hasn't happened..

Anyway, the missionaries of the 16th century did more than just oppress and try to convert the local population.. They also founded what eventually became one of the oldest higher educational institutions of the nation, the university of Lake Onebega. This university is now the reason for this bus route to opened, as our friends from Sunset Valley Inge and Oliver Freddy just packed their bags to attend their first semester there... ;)

So, take the bus and join them!