Yeah, so through a random search (I forgot what I searched for, but it was probably something like "sims" + "family tree") I found this site: "The Sims Tree" which is a new site to create family trees for "The Sims" families, working not to differently from the old Plum Tree App, and if you had your family trees at The Plum Tree app and made sure to download them before they closed down, transferring them to this new site is pretty easy. I just did it with the Motorsen family tree, as seen here:

Of course, this one is currently a little outdated as the kids have now become teenagers and the toddlers (as far as I can remember) have become kids, but I'll work on updating it.. and uploading the remaining family trees too.. bit by bit..
The point of showing the above family now is also to show the link between Thomas' family and Oliver Freddys family.. err, which is essentially the same family... and to sort of tie the Sunset Valley and Lake Onebega/University Life stories together..
And now, for the latest update on the university sims life..
Chapter 6.2 – February 2024 - Just get married already.../ Such a good, good boy....
Quick Summary:
It continues in the same vein as the last one, with Oliver Freddy being more focused on his studies and scientific research, and Inge wanting to gain more popularity by throwing and attending parties...
..but the story does take a somewhat unexpected twist when Oliver Freddy gets a phone call from Inges mom, Iselin. She has packed her bags and his now headed north to Lake Onebega and tells him she will be there in just a few hours.. and with that, she has a question for him...
..about something she wants to see happen as soon as possible, preferrably this summer. She is pretty certain this is what her daughter wants, and for whatever reason, she wants it too... Oliver Freddy is slightly more hesitant, but he still agrees to meet up with her at the Grotto a little later..
While Inge rushes home to arrange her party, he heads over there to meet up with Iselin in secret where she continues to insist they get married this summer, before she begins to act a little.. strange.. if not downright lewd and should I say pretty disgusting.. this makes Oliver Freddy uncomfortable enough to leave a little earlier than necessary for his lecture...
Inges party doesn't turn into the bonfire party she wanted, because 'the snow is to deep' Which I think is absolute nonsense... I'm from Scandinavia, since when was snow to deep to light a bonfire!? Never! ..but what should I expect, playing a game from a company whose home base is in California... ;)
Well, anyway.. what I wanted to say is.. in spite of this, Inges party is still enjoyable, though pretty calm, as she gets to hang out with her now old friend Samantha to talk and reminisce for a while, until Samantha to turns on her heel and acts a little strange and abruptly leaves to prioritize her studies as she says...
...but Inge thinks she knows why, as she is well aware of Samanthas sometimes dual nature, one that isn't met with the same level of understanding by everyone in town...