
The year started off as it usually does, in Sunset Valley... with Oliver Freddy and Inge set to return to university in Lake Onebega.This was their second semester, so Ranveig had been through this once before, but she still suffered from a bit of empty nest syndrome knowing that her son was going away again. She had even began to develop a slight thorn in the side for his girlfriend as well, refusing to lend her the toilet before they set off on their journey..

Ranveig has been a single mother ever since Oliver Freddy was born, and she loves both of her sons very deeply. She would much rather just have Oliver Freddy stay at home, but at the same time, she doesn't want to stand in his way, so.. she lets him go, atleast physically.

At university, Inge met up and started to make friends with Debbie Richards, a professor in business, and since her husband died, also an art student, like Inge. Inge has since day one wanted to make friends at university, but never really succeeded.. maybe Debbie could finally be a friend for her?

In the town of Bewickton things were busy in Udishas household, as she struggled to maintain balance between missing her career, caring for her then youngest son, Ole Christian, and being pregnant with her third child...

Her brother Bhavan was likewise hard at work at the fire station, but was getting a little tired of his boss Sofias constant bragging about her expensive belongings.. why does she think she would need all these things to be liked?

In the town of Sprottenham, aspiring crime/horror novelist Agathi Jiggens had her own struggles of balancing her work at the theatre (which she hated and wanted to quit, but kept it because she needed money...), working on her next novel, and caring for her children, Ruben and Iselin.

Bodils father, Glenn Hoddelås, moved in with his new girlfriend Maiken Strøm.

Sunset Valley resident Kleopatra Motor-Karlsen celebrated her 13th birthday and grew up to get the hot headed trait, one that she will hopefully grow out of as she gets a little older.

Being Kleopatra isn't always easy with a mother (Sofie Motor-Karlsen) that is still sometimes grumpy about how her own mother cheated on her dad for a colleague at work, witnessing her parents fighting and even a case of domestic violence.. before her mother finally got kicked out of the house... all this when she was still just a toddler, but she still remembers everything...and Kleopatra father (Eivind, Ranveigs brother) from the Motorsen family has his own issues...

Kathrine Kråke-Karlsen went on a shopping spree buying several new childrens toys and a treehouse, cheering in excitement and saying that this would be perfect for their new baby.. yet, throughout the year, she didn't actually get pregnant.

Lucie Karlsen, Kleopatras grandmother, was out flirting again...

But she's still friends with her ex-husband and Kleopatras grandfather, Asgeir Karlsen, as they were seen playing a game of chess together by former chess champion H.K.H. Høigaffels home ("The Rook"), now a museum in his honour.

At university Inge still struggled with being ignored by her roomates whenever she tried to make contact, and couldn't really figure out why...

In Bewickton Sofia Karlsen continued to brag and share gossip to Bhavan. She had also been noticed by Palash, Bhavans older brother, and was now his love interest.

Udishas water broke a little earlier than expected, and she had to rush to the hospital, where she gave birth to a baby girl she called Madhunisha.

February went by without not to much going on in the peaceful town of Sprottenham, so here's a picture of Bodil doing her homework in the park.

In Sunset Valley Jonathan, Kathrine and their children Ingrid and Morten had a fun day visiting his parents, Lucie and Asgeir. Kathrine got a little silly and juice d during their visit and put on her swim wear to play with the sprinkles, act silly and take dozens of selfies with everyone...

Kathrine taking a selfie with her father-in-law, Asgeir Karlsen.

Ingrid had some questions for grandma Lucie about her and grandpas home situation. Why did they live so seperately in the same house? she asked, but grandma pretended not to hear....

Inge snuck out early one morning to do some graffiti. Besides that, her and her boyfriend were being good students and studying hard. ;) Later Inge tried to make friends with Ashley Corono, but Ashley didn't seem to keen on that as she tried to walk away mid conversation...
She also tried to invite Debbie over for a visit, but Debbie wouldn't come over..

In Bewickton, Kajsa Tangstad, the drummer of the band The Bushweeds, gave birth to a baby boy called Nikolai.

Nishit found a peaceful time alone fishing by the swamp. It was just to noisy at home now after Madhunisha was born.. with two crying babies in the house...

Palash, the weirdo of the Chitrakaar family whom I thought would remain single for life, was now engaged to Sofia and they had plans to marry already this summer.. whoa, that went fast. Are you sure about that?

In Sprottenham, Solvej and Patrik, long time friends of Leya and Gaute, had moved out of the Millground farm and into a new home with their son Rune. The old Frumpenheimer house on Southfield Road.

Local criminal Robert Gudmestad-Kiinsmo had gotten his hands on plenty of money all of a sudden, and began to invest in property around town...

The small starter house that was being built on the hill by the Reppe family house was now finished, and it was time for Ingrid to move out. It appeared to be an emotional moment, especially for Kathrine, as she acted very absent minded like during the following days. Her father Jonathan got an urge to go fishing a lot.

Ingrid goes to her new home for the first time.

In Lake Onebega Inge and Oliver Freddy were now busy with their exam preparations and for the first time they had a discussion/slight argument by the breakfast table about their future together, after which they just sat and stared awkwardly at each other for a while...

Debbie Richards finally visits Inge, and confesses to her how she and her husband tried several times to have children, but failed.. before he died.. Debbie claims to be just fine living alone, but it's clear from her voice that she isn't...

In Sprottenham, the towns people were enjoying the spring festival, rain or shine. ;) It's not often I see Agathi dance, so here is a picture of her doing just that...

Robert continued with his suspicious looking investments, buying up more and more of the lots in town.. and here he is at a disco, trying to sell umbrellas to Leya. He can assure her, they're handmade quality umbrellas... locally produced...

Solvej gave birth to twins, Silvia and Lillian.

People in Sunset Valley also go to the spring festival to have a good time. Here is Ingrid and Ranveig and other locals enjoying themselves.

In the Reppe household Inges sister Kristina had her 13th birthday and it was clear she had inherited the family oriented trait from her grandparents.

In Lake Onebega Oliver Freddy and Inge passed their exams with flying colours, and to celebrate Oliver Freddy threw a party that went a little off the hinges...

The juice begins to do its work, and Nicole Lawry slaps Debbie Richards after being accused of "dressing like a harlot"..

People were passing out left and right, but Inge impressed me. She was one of few that managed to stay upright all evening in spite of several visits to the juice keg..

The night ended in chaos with passed out people all over the place, loud music blaring from every open window and streakers running around..

Until the inevitable happened, and someone phoned the police.. Oliver Freddy and Inge got away without consequences, though. The police woman was clearly going after the streakers. ;)

Something was going on now in the town of Sprottenham, were Robert was seen making a dubious deal with the owner of the café at Harbor Square involving a woman called Danicia, whom we haven't seen before.. The café owner refused the offer at first, until Robert threatened to destory the café and this mans livelihood if he didn't get his way...

In Bewickton Udisha and Dudleif was feeling the burden of being parents to two young ones, and suffered greatly from a lack of sleep. An important milestone was still reached, though, as Ole Christian finally learned to walk.

Sofia was as usual hard at work at the fire station.

In Sunset Valley Ingrid goes to do some aerobics at the gym, and now that she lives alone, she has her first thoughts about children and family, but she is currently without any kind of love interest.

She invests in a new tumble drier for her house, but has no other place to put it, so she decides to begin work to expand the bathroom.

In Lake Onebega Oliver Freddy and Inge get their exam results, and they both got an A.

They celebrate with one final night of bowling, before going back to Sunset Valley for the summer. Ranveig would no doubt be happy to have her son back home, if only for a couple of months..

It was a peaceful month in Sprottenham where not to much happened, atleast not on the surface, so here's a picture of Agathi hating her job.

Torgeir Dahl-Blankblomst had his first birthday and aged up to a toddler. He's about the same age as Iselin (Agathis daughter) and may be more relevant as both of them get older.

In Bewickton Palash and Sofia is busy preparing their wedding. Here is Palash at the salon for some tips on what to wear...

Palash also adopted a dog called Yumi. He just couldn't wait to hear the sound of small footsteps in his home..

Sofia has her first positive thought about having children. A question that will plague their relationship for some time...

Leya, Gaute, Bodil and Orinder arrive in Bewickton for her brothers wedding. Gaute is exited the hotel they're staying at has its own bar. Leya, not so much...

Leya gets an eerie feeling from the hallways of this hotel. She can't help to think that this hotel on the outskirts of town must be haunted.. so she thinks next time they visit, they'll choose a hotel downtown instead.. That next time may come a little more sudden than anyone knew at this point...